"I hadn’t really noticed" (我还没有真正注意到)

Liu Dao

I work for the government of a certain country, but I can’t tell you which one. You’re lucky I’m even responding to your inquiry. So here’s what I do basically: me and three other guys go into a room. We go in once a week. We smoke many cigarettes. I think there is almost always at least one of us smoking at any given time. We all have very advanced degrees in statistics, economics, finance, and business. We all also have a lot of experience in many fields related to these things. None of us have families. So we go into this room. We are the only people that know what happens here besides one man that is our direct supervisor. And I suppose now you as well. What we do in that room is fudge data. They bring in data that is not so good for them and ask us to make it good. We can only change it so much before it looks suspicious or is verifiably false. This is why we get paid so much money: because we know exactly where that line is. We know how to find the perfect fudge that helps our boss and his boss and on and on, but isn’t so big of a lie that we are all get caught and look bad. We’re really very good at it. That’s why I always look twice before crossing the street. I need people to ask, “Hey, did you see that guy?” “No, I hadn’t really noticed.”

ARTIST Liu Dao 六岛
MEDIA RGB LED displayChinese papercut (Jian Zhi 剪紙), paper collage,black stained teakwood frame
DATE Made in island6, Shanghai 2014
SIZE 48(W)×67(H)×5(D) cm


Titolo: "I hadn’t really noticed" (我还没有真正注意到)
Artista: Liu Dao
Anno: 2014
Categorie: Other