"This is a Special News Bulletin" (这是一则特别通告)

Liu Dao

Be on the look out and extremely cautious should you happen upon a drop-dead beauty wearing a jail uniform, possibly hauling ass in a black truck. She’s killed 10 (that we know of) and we have strong reason to believe she wouldn’t hesitate to make it 11. Her husband was the first: a wealthy financier who got his throat cut ear-to-ear after she caught him screwin’ around on her. After that it was like the flood gates opened. Years of pent up anger towards all the men who did her wrong sprayed a trail of blood and guts across the country that eventually led to her tiny little jail cell. As usual though, her china doll beauty took the reins. After she seduced a prison guard and disemboweled him in the men’s bathroom she skipped town. We estimate she’ll be long gone in no time, probably with a new name, new clothes and a new car. Be careful is all we’re saying, especially to you men out there. If you meet a gorgeous woman who’s out of your league and seems unusually interested in you…just might be her. 

ARTIST Liu Dao 六岛
MEDIA TFT displayChinese papercut (Jian Zhi 剪紙), paper collage, IR sensor, 8-bit microcontrollerteakwood framepowered speakers
DATE Made in island6, Shanghai 2015


To see more information:

Título: "This is a Special News Bulletin" (这是一则特别通告)
Artista: Liu Dao
Año: 2015
Dimensión: 67x38x7x
Categoría: Other