New Work

Thierry B

Beautiful Marks by Thierry B.
Art is all about making marks - with a pencil on paper, a burin on copper, an etching needle in wax, a stick of charcoal or conte, a chisel or paint brush. With his choice of paintbrush, Thierry B. makes them beautifully, as in the paintings in this collection. Over the past ten years, Thierry's creativity has worn many flirtatious fashions, of action paintings, lyrical landscapes, and dreamscapes of wondrous metamorphosis. But none fit and enthral as well these. His new works are his best. Thierry has a special gift for creating visual metaphors for things beyond the seeable, usually, as in these paintings, by the simplest means - the single stroke of the colour-laden brush. As colours are changed, the strokes remains constant, the subtlest changes of colours across backgrounds of flattest black, which gives each work its painterly depth and strength.The simplicity is desarming, and therein lies so much of their appeal, the paradoxical realisation of the complex state of euphoria by the simplest of means.

Titolo: New Work
Artista: Thierry B
Anno: 2010
Dimensioni: 0 x 101.5 x 76 cm ( 0 x 39.6 x 0 inch )
Categorie: Paintings
Stile: Abstract Expressionism.
Materiale: Synthetic Polymer Paint.