"Sounds You Can't Hear" (听不到的声音)

Liu Dao

There’s a whole world of things you can’t see and sounds you can’t hear. Not the least of which is the skin of my left leg grazing against the skin of my right. It’s my inner thighs and calf muscles that greet each other first, making the thump of my heart just barely visible through my chest. Under my breath I moan and whisper so many little things, just out of your earshot. Hmmmm look at that firm ass. Ohhh yes keep making magic with the smallest bit of contact from those fingertips. Fuck I hope he’s not married. I hope he lasts longer than one minute…but not so long it hurts and I get bored. Did I say that last thing out loud? Did he hear it, or did I just think it? Can he hear me right now? All these thoughts and more, mumbled in gest are the keys to the kingdom, but they’re sounds you can’t hear. As I lay down and brace myself for whatever is about to happen, I can’t help but wonder about what sounds I might not be hearing from you. 

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Название: "Sounds You Can't Hear" (听不到的声音)
Художник: Liu Dao
Год: 2015
Размеры: 41x41x5x
Категория: Other