"What the Wings Knew" (翅膀知多少)

Liu Dao

“The heart knows best.” “Your mind can’t control what the heart wants.” These laments and triumphantly defiant declarations have rattled humanity’s decision-making process for far too long. Do you know what a heart is? It’s a lump of muscle that sometimes fails you and sometimes has to have machines keep it going and everybody has one. A mind? Oh my, such a finely crafted thing, so full of literary references and eloquent palaver. I want to know what you’ve done to soar over this world. Where are the wings that beat out the whispers from the ears of those longing for primal screams? When did you last stretch out what it means to be a being and question how those syllables came to tumble in your soul? We have wings at some point in our lives, and we never even notice when they slide off our backs, quietly moldering in the footsteps that we never planned to take.

MEDIA RGB LED display, acrylic paintingpaper collageteakwood frame
DATE Made in island6, Shanghai 2015
SIZE 48(W)×67(H)×5(D) cm 

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หัวข้อ: "What the Wings Knew" (翅膀知多少)
กดเพื่อปรับเปลี่ยน: Liu Dao
ประเภท: Other