"Light This Firecracker" (放爆竹)

Liu Dao

Kenjataimu. This is an old Japanese word referring to the brief post-orgasmic period when a man’s thoughts are no longer impaired by his sex drive. This is the closest any normal person might get to pure zen. Ken-ja-tai-mu. This uninhibited period of clarity and being can last anywhere from one minute to an hour depending on a range of factors including age, health, sex drive, history of sexual activity, and environment. Maybe it’s not the orgasm that people seek but the serenity that swells behind it. Kenjataimu is, I suppose, the little eyes of those storms we build up for ourselves because we don’t know what else to do. It’s the moment after the firework explodes when you have time to see what the cost really was and what it might be next time.

ARTIST Liu Dao 六岛
MEDIA RGB LED displayChinese papercut (Jian Zhi 剪紙), paper collage,teakwood frame
DATE Made in island6, Shanghai 2015
SIZE 73(W)×46.5(H)×7(D) cm 


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Título: "Light This Firecracker" (放爆竹)
Artista: Liu Dao
Año: 2015
Categoría: Other