"Drip Drop" (嘀,嗒)

Liu Dao

“One: I will never leave anything to chance again. Two: I will marry the girl on my motorcycle. Three: I'll be rich. Four: we'll have a house. A big house, painted yellow, with a garden. And two children, Paul and Michael. Five: I'll have a convertible. A red convertible! And a swimming pool, I'll learn to swim. Six: I will not stop until I succeed.”
- Nemo Nobody

Technology has made it very easy for man to predict many things, well in advance of their happening, and with great accuracy. The one thing we can’t seem to predict is where we’ll end up and why and how we’ll get there. Detailed 10-day weather forecasts are a part of our daily routines, rare astronomical phenomenon can be placed on our calendars years prior to their occurrence, and financial approximations and models dictate modern economies. Yet, try as we might to rationalize and orchestrate, our own lives are completely unmanageable in this regard. Therein lies the rub of what makes life simultaneously interesting and scary. Even though we may strive to know what will come next, whether planning our careers or mapping out our social lives, chaos and happenstance are unyielding participants in the reality of human experience. 

ARTIST Liu Dao 六岛
MEDIA RGB LED display,silkscreen on paper collageteakwood frame
DATE Made in island6, Shanghai 2015
SIZE 103.5(W)×103.5(H)×5(D) cm


标题: "Drip Drop" (嘀,嗒)
艺术家: Liu Dao
年: 2015
维度: 103.5x103.5x5x
目录: Other