"Sometimes, Some Seasons" (有时候,有的季节)

Liu Dao

I take exclusively the back roads to avoid driving past people I know. This avoids any sort of stuffy obligation to stop and greet them or even worse, having the coincidence precipitate some sort of rendezvous with bad wine and endless chatter. No no, I’ll be going it alone as I usually do. Zipping quickly as if I’m not particularly enjoying the ride, which I’m no longer positive I am. Sometimes though, some seasons, I remember how it felt to be a young person bloated with inexplicable excitement. The zest foreign giddiness and inspiration. I remember the thrill of making a plan to do something, to meet someone, to be somewhere… I find solace in my mundane journeys to nowhere these days, pumping the pedals and praying for rain, for no good reason. The staleness of the highways, the square-ness of the mega structures… I’ll leave it to the suits and dresses. Meanwhile, you can find me going fast, testing the hairpin turns on roads with disputed names, waiting for another season, one that just might wake me up enough to smile wide again. 

TITLE "Sometimes, Some Seasons" (有时候,有的季节)
MEDIA RGB LED display, acrylic paintingpaper collageteakwood frame
DATE Made in island6, Shanghai 2015
SIZE 67(W)×48(H)×5(D) cm


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Titolo: "Sometimes, Some Seasons" (有时候,有的季节)
Artista: Liu Dao
Anno: 2015
Dimensioni: 67x48x5x
Categorie: Other